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Why can a user not say “ok I’m departing on this corporate template because I need to create a variant” and then work in an unobstructed way?

I’m kind of freaked out right now because I’ve lost a significant amount of work not being able to separate or control my content within an overly locked template. 

I wasn’t aware I was falling into this trap for the first 8-9 hours of work…  I already made a copy of the file to start working separately, as well as toggling back and forth between lucidspark and lucidchart to try to regain control of my visual story being conveyed.

This is very disappointing to put this large an amount of effort into working to express an overall vision and direction into a document that I can now not expand a frame box element slightly to accommodate the content, its redlined with x’s at the boundary edges, locked menu disabled, it cant be constructed over, etc.

How do I track down the owner of this template? I can only imagine the conversation when I finally track them down and randomly approach them.  How is this supposed to work in large company environments?

A template is a starting point to expressing a thing.  If this kind of locked down visual element thing is present in a template to create a document that a user can be wooed into, ​​​​ there needs to be RED BANNER stating “you will not be able to make changes to basic shapes in this document” for users.  This kind of "over-powering” template publishers this way fosters negative user experience. I’ve been going in circles progressively in the UI, and really don't feel like this is something I want to ever randomly repeat experiencing in a tool that is supposed to foster visual communication and collaboration.


Hi @ToddG, thanks for posting in the Lucid Community! I apologize for the trouble here. Can you please send a temporary Support PIN for this document? This will allow me to take a closer look at the issue you’re experiencing. For more information on generating a Support PIN, check out this Help Center article. I appreciate your help and patience!

Amelia, thanks.

I was out friday. Here is that pin.  when selecting all, you see the locked frame items that everything is built around.  This and a parent document suffer from this same locking (and trying to hide it).



Hi @ToddG, thanks for providing that PIN! Can you please confirm which template you were using to create your document from? Was this a Lucid template or a corporate template made by another user on your account? Please note, that when you create a new document from a template, a new document is created in your account, so you should have full edit access to lock/unlock objects and make edits as you need. I was able to see the locked items, but also had the ability to unlock the frame. Would you mind sending me a screenshot of what you are seeing if you are unable to unlock the frame as expected? I appreciate your help and patience!

Corporate template is the subject of our discussion.  This seems to be indicating this element is locked that I’m working in from the image.


 @ToddG, thanks for clarifying that you’re working with a Corporate template! You can see who owns the template by clicking the Share icon in your document when in your docs list. Based on the screenshot you provided, it looks like you are attempting to edit the template itself, which is available to other users and owned by the creator, rather than creating a new document from the template. The PIN that you shared with me, however, looks like you have made a new document from the template. Are you able to edit your document as expected?

One thing worth checking when using corporate templates, is to double check that the document has officially been converted to a template, as the default for this will become “New” (rather than open) to avoid editing the template itself. Can you confirm that this is the case with your corporate template? The template label should appear just below the title, as in the screenshot:

Please let me know if you have any additional questions!

No thats the thing, the pin that I shared with you is a file that was originally opened through new → template → corporate template by one team member, and then I made a copy of that copy using the “duplicate” menu command.

@ToddG  Thanks for outlining the steps you took to create your document, is the screenshot you shared of the locked objects from that same document? In the document from the PIN you shared, I was able to lock and unlock objects as expected. It is worth noting that there is a setting that the template creator can enable that does not allow users to lock/unlock objects, I would recommend reaching out the document owner to have them disable that feature to see if that resolves the issue. 

From there, they can adjust the share settings to “View only” so that other users can access the template, without making changes to the Original document. If the issue persists, would you mind sharing a support PIN for the corporate template that you are using?

Thanks this issue is resolved.  I’ve provided enough context; being able to quickly identify author for a parent template.  When I followed your instruction I had a large list of people and had to figure out who was the right person to approach.


@ToddG I agree, the context you provided will be super helpful for our Product Teams. Please let me know if there’s anything else I can do for you!
