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Is it possible to lock linked data to a shape?

I recently started experimenting with linked data. I have a google sheet that is linked to various shapes in a flowchart I have created. I recently made changes to the google sheet (deleted a couple of rows and reordered the rows) and then all of data moved around the flowchart.

Is there a way to lock a specific row of data to a shape so whether I move the shape or switch the order of the google sheets rows the data remains linked to that particular shape?


Hi there

Thanks for posting in the Lucid Community!

When you import data to your canva from a Google sheet document via the data linking feature all changes you make to the source document that is to say the Google sheet you are importing data from will be automatically reflected on your Lucidchart canva.

You and anyone else interested in this topic can find further information about this feature in the following help document: Link Google Sheet Excel or CSV Data To Lucidchart Diagrams

In your message you wrote I recently made changes to the google sheet (deleted a couple of  rows and reordered the rows) and then all of data moved around the flowchart.”

As I am not fully sure I understand exactly how that looks like on your canva would you mind trying to explain more in details what has happened? For example did the data you dragged onto shape A end up in shape B after you reordered the rows in your Google Sheet? 

Would you mind sending a screenshot of this so that I can get a better understanding of how the data ended up being displayed on your canva and further look into the issue?

Thank you!
