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I am a pretty new user to lucidchart and haven’t learned all features. For now I am structuring my projects in a mind map and want to do the same structure in a prioritization matrix. Both displayed with sticky note graphics. I think i would be a neat feature to structure these nodes/sticky notes in mind map mode and get an automatic link or copy in the prioritization matrix. 

Is this possible and how do i make it happen using lucidchart?


best regards


Hi Gustaf Thanks for posting on the Lucidchart Community! 

It sounds like the best way to accomplish your goal of linking your mind map to a priority matrix would be using hotspots to toggle to your other diagram. To learn more about how to use Hotspots and Action Links please check out our Actions (Links) and Hotspots article.

As an additional resource please check out this Priority Matrix Project Management article which explains how to set up a Priority Matrix within Lucidchart and provides a template for doing so.

Please let me know if you have any specific questions as you work through this! 
