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Having a very serious issue come up in numerous places. I draw a line from point A to point B it has a few turns in it and I try to adjust the line to follow a certain path. But when I get close to the path I want the line wigs out and jumps into a different shape that is not what I need. Cannot understand what the line is trying to do and why it won't let me reshape it in a very simple way. Couldn't find an answer online; not sure how to search for this. Please help! Thanks!

Hi Nick

Thanks for posting in the Lucidchart Community! Sorry for the late reply.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "the line wigs out and jumps to a different shape" but could you confirm if you selected the "curved" line type from the Line Options? This allows you to create lines that can be reshaped more smoothly. I've attached a screen recording of what I mean below.

If this doesn't help your issue could you please submit a support ticket here with a screenshot and the URL to your document? This will help us investigate further. 

Feel free to let me know if you have any other questions or issues. 


For anyone else who wants to learn more about customizing lines please visit our Work with Lines in Lucidchart Help Center article . 
