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I am using Lucidchart in my database class and had students using the Entity Relationship shape library to draw entities and connect them.  In my browser the options to change line endings or reverse direction are all shown in the properties bar. I had several students show me that in their browsers these options do not appear.  Instead there is a line icon that when clicked on pops up these options.  I have experimented with changing zoom searching settings and searching this forum but have not yet discovered why our user interfaces are inconsistent.  Trying to resolve these inconsistencies to make it easier for students to learn the techniques. Anyone know what might be going on here?


George Wyner (teaching at Boston College in MA USA)

Hi George

Thanks for posting on the community! Recently Lucidchart updated its user interface to present a cleaner simpler workspace and only show you the tools you need when you need them. This also changed around the locations of where you can change the line styles and endings. The image below shows the new layout of these line properties.

If you or your student's properties bar does not look like this please submit a ticket via this Support form with a screenshot of the issue and we'd be happy to help you sort it out. Thanks!

To learn more about how to use and format lines take a look at the Work with Lines article in our Help Center.

Thanks Clara.  I am reaching out to students to get screenshots of what they are seeing.  I see what you are showing.  What the students see (and I have seen on their laptops) is a single icon (some kind of line shape) that when clicked pops up a box with these options displayed.  It is slightly less convenient but has the same functionality.  The problem for me is I am doing step by step hands on in class and students find it harder to follow when their app looks different.  I will follow up with Support once I have a screenshot.  Thanks!

Hi George

Thanks for continuing this thread and getting back with that information! I have created a support ticket for you and we are working to solve this issue currently. 

For others experiencing the same issue please fill out this Support form. Thanks!
