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Hello. How can we setup the user permissions for a Lucidchart diagram so only a few designated users can make changes and it is read only for everybody else?

Hi Gerardo

Thanks for posting your question in the Lucid Community! You can designate permissions when you initially share your document. Lucid provides four tiers of sharing permissions that you can choose from:

  • Can edit and share

  • Can edit

  • Can comment

  • Can view

You can set different permissions for each collaborator and adjust them any time.


If you'd like to edit or change these permissions after you've shared your document you can click on "Share" and then "Manage" where you see your document collaborators. Here you can change document permissions or delete users from the document by clicking the "X" next to their email address.


You can learn more about Sharing Permissions in this Help Center article. Please let me know if you have any additional questions!

Thanks for your reply. Ideally we would want to give "Can edit and Share" to three people and block access to the diagram for everybody else. Is there a way to block access for everyone else in the enterprise without listing their emails? They are too many people. Thanks.

Thank you for your follow up questions! In addition to directly granting "edit and share" permissions to these three users you can share the document with "view" permission to all users on your Team account or all users in a particular group by selecting a user group when sharing via email from the Share menu. To share your document with several users at once you have a few options that don’t require typing in every email. In the Share menu you can:


1. Type in your organization's team name to grant “view” only access to all members of a user group (e.g. all Lucid users on your organization's account).


2. Generate a shareable link with "view" permission and share the link broadly.


Alternatively you could utilize Team Folders by storing the documents you’d like to have with “view” only access inside that folder. To use a team folder you can:

  • Create a Team Folder

  • Move the document(s) to the Team Folder

  • Share the Team Folder with the entire organization or group (use "team/group name")

  • Share the individual document with "edit" permission to the three specific users.

For more information on how sharing permissions are inherited for documents in Team Folders please review the Team Folder Ownership section from this Help Center article. I hope this is helpful! Please let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns!

Thank you for the response.
