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Hi supporters


I got a license via our compony SiFive 2 weeks ago like belows.


But I cannot edit any lucidchard document yet. Indeed I discussed with SiFive IT team but I thought

it might be solved with this channel.


Can you please help with this?


Best regards


Hi Eddie

Thanks for posting in the Lucidchart Community! It looks like you have been added to your organization's account; however you are listed as a View-Only user on that account. You have team admins that manage the account and they are the ones authorized to make you a Can-Edit user. If you would like edit access please request a license via the popup that appears when you log on. You can also open a document and click on the orange banner at the top of your document. 

To learn more about the differences between View-Only and Can-Edit users capabilities please check out the Enterprise Licensing article from the Lucidchart Help Center.  

As for the information you see on your company's system it doesn't match what we have on our back-end. Your internal IT Team should be able to clarify this. If they are unable to fix this on their end please have them submit a support ticket through this form so we can troubleshoot directly with them. 

Hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any questions.
