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I've recently started to use LucidChart and I have one concern indeed I created a button which show/hide a specific layer (which works very well in LucidChart) but whenever I export my file into PDF this button doesnt work ! And the layer aren't shown in the layer categories in Adobe... I saw there is an option to create a slide for each layers but that's not what I want even if the results would be almost the same. Can someone help me ? I add some screenshots if you need it. (Sorry the interface is in French)

Also I wanted to use a tool (Image 3) to avoid overload my slide with tons of forms and texts but it doesnt work after exporting to PDF... 


Thanks in advance for your answers

Hi Benjamin 


Thanks for posting in the community! Unfortunately it is not possible to interact with layers via hotspots in an exported PDF as layers need the Lucidchart editor to function. If you want to keep the interactability of the layers through hotspots I would recommend publishing your document as a URL. For more information on this please refer to this Publish Your Document help center article. If you simply need all of your layers to appear on the same page of your exported document make sure to display the layers accordingly then click "Sync Visibility" in the upper right corner of the layers menu. This will ensure they display in your PDF as they currently do in your document. 

Regarding your third image are your referring to the "Accordion" shape from the UI Containers shape library? This shape is designed as a simple representation for user interace design and is not intended to contain hide and display your own text when exported to PDF. Like layers described above it is also not possible to hide and expand the various panels in a PDF. However I can see how this would be a useful feature. Would you mind adding your thoughts to our feature request form? Ideas submitted here are passed along to our development team for their consideration. Let me know if you have any other questions!


For others working with layers and hotspots please begin by reviewing these Create Multi-Layered Diagrams and Actions (Links) and Hotspots articles from our help center and post any questions below!
