Hi David
Thanks for posting in the community! Just to make sure we're on the same page about intended functionality with layers please take a moment to review our layers article from our Help Center.
You can think of your page as the "base" layer that all other layers are built on top of. When you click on Page you will see shapes in all layers that aren't hidden. In my example below blue shapes are on the "base" Page and yellow and pink shapes are each in separate layers. When I select Page I see all of these shapes together.

If I click into a specific layer those shapes are active and I can edit them individually while shapes in other layers and on the "base" Page are grayed out.

If you're not seeing shapes in one of your layers when you click on Page please check in the Layers panel on the right side of the canvas to see if the "Hide" eyeball shape is checked next to that layer.
Please feel free to let me know if you have any further questions-hope this helps!
Thanks for the reply Micah. I missed it in my Inbox.
It doesn't quite answer my question.
I've set up a diagram with about 12 layers with actions attached to each. When I click on an action only on layer is shown - great. When i click page. All the layers are hidden except for the layer i clicked with the action. this is what I am trying to fix.
Hi David thanks for clarifying the situation and letting me know you're using actions. This happens because using an action which shows only one layer and hides the rest applies the "Hide" setting to those certain layers and clicking on Page doesn't remove this "Hide" setting. If your goal is to show all layers in addition to the content on the Page you will need to create another action that shows all layers. Similarly if your goal is to hide all layers and see only the content on the Page then you will need to create another action that hides all layers. In my example below notice how the "Hide" setting is active/inactive as I click through the different layers.

If you prefer instead of creating an additional action button for this you can simply un-hide/hide the layers after clicking on the page by clicking on the eyeball icon next to each layer. Let me know if you have more questions!