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If I create two layers and put some shapes in Layer A and other shapes in Layer B I understand how to put Layer A "behind" Layer B and vice-versa.  

But some of my shapes are in Layer X and others are in "Page".  Is there a way to put Layer X *behind* Page?  I can make Layer X invisible or put it in front of Page but I haven't figured out how to put it behind Page. 

My goal is to keep 99% of my shapes in "Page" and then use a background layer to create a colorful background.  Obviously this won't work if the background isn't "behind" the shapes.


The following text from this help page might answer my question:

  • "The order of the stacked tiles in the layers panel corresponds to how content is stacked on the canvas. The contents of the page layer will always be at the base of your document but you can easily rearrange the order of the other layers’ content by dragging and dropping their corresponding tiles to new positions in the stack."

If "base" means "behind all layers" then this seems to indicate that other layers can never be behind the Page layer:  they can be invisible or in front of the Page layer but not behind it.  Is this correct?

Hi Lawrence

Thanks for posting. Yes your understanding is correct. The "page" layer will always be arranged behind all other layers. Please feel free to let me know if you have any further questions on this!
