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I can successfully complete an advanced search and find the desired list of Jira tickets . When I then try to import to an active matrix I get a failure to import message.

I have previously been able to do this .

actually .. just tried deleting active matrix and re-importing .. with success 


Hey Adrian

Woohoo happy to hear that! Let us know if you have any other trouble! 

Hi ... I have some anomalies .. on different boards I seem to have some active Matrices that are  "BETA" level and don't allow filtering of the axis ... abd others where I still have the same failure to import issue ? 


Hey Adrian

Thank you for the reply! Would you care to share a screenshot of what you are seeing on your end -- I'd be happy to take a closer look!

Hi .. this is what I see for some of the Active matrices on some of my Lucid boards .. 

how can I filter eg . Status or Assignee ? 


Hey Adrian

Thank you for the response and clarification! It looks like you are working with our Dynamic Matrix feature. If you take a look at the linked article you will see all the features available within that type of table. Here is also an explanation of the features available when using Dynamic Matrices in combination with Jira Cards. 

Hope this helps -- please let me know if you have any additional questions! 

Thanks  for the links .. 

I seem to have a BETA version of the Dynamic Matrix on some boards .. but not others .. any idea why this might  be ? 

Looks like BETA version has less functionality ? 

Hey Adrian

Thank you for the response! Would you mind sending a screenshot of the tables you are using that display without the BETA version tagging? 

Thanks again for all the help so far!

Hey Adrian

Thank you for the response! Taking a look at the matrix you have there it looks like you've used a Gantt Chart to create this and placed it within a container -- if this is the case it would be different than the dynamic matrix that displays the "BETA" tagging. 

Hope this helps -- please let me know if you have any other questions! 

I can assure you I have not done as you suggested but have imported Jira tickets into a dynamic matrix in exactly the same way … but have a for if dynamic matrix with more functionality.. ie the ability to filter both axes of the matrix … that’s what i’d like for all dynamic matrices please

Hey Adrian

Thank you for the response and thank you for the additional context! This type of dynamic matrix is ONLY available for Jira Cards using the integration. So if you have used the native dynamic matrix functionality it would be the "BETA" version and would look like your initial screenshot however if you integrate with Jira and import cards into a matrix the table will look like the latest screenshot you've shared. 

If this is not consistent with what you are seeing would you mind to reach out to us directly at -- we would be happy to take a closer look 😎
