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I have some attributes that are common to many entities. I would like to copy them from one entity and paste it to the other. Is there a way to do this in Lucid?

Hi there,

To clarify, when you mention ‘attributes’ are you referring to style (e.g. colour, line style, etc)? 

If this is the case, you can:

  1. Right-click a shape and “copy style” (or select he shape and click aCTRL] + ALT] + C), then
  2. Select your target shape and “paste style” (or select he shape and click sCTRL] + ALT] + P). 

You can also apply a style to a greater number of shapes by:

  1. Copy the desired style (as above),
  2. Select multiple shapes by using the menu option: “Select” > “Shapes with same” > “Shape type”, “Fill”, Border color”, Fill & border color” or “Text color”
  3. Past the style (as above)
