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Is it possible to keep the same font when adding rows in an entity shape

  • January 11, 2021
  • 1 reply

Dan T

When I add rows in an entity shape the font is different than those existing rows which doesn't look good. I have to change new rows one by one. Is there a way to make new row the same font as the existing one above or below it? Also any way to select multiple rows to change appearance together? It's time-consuming to change one row at a time.

Tate S
  • Lucid support team
  • January 14, 2021

Hi Dan

Thanks for posting. There is not a way to make the new rows have the same font as existing ones. However if you select the entire entity shape you should be able to change the font type and size for all rows at once. If you'd like to suggest we make changes here please let us know via our feature request form. Hope this helps!
