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Does everyone know that I can see the historical data change when I move some employees in the org chart?

Scenario:  Mr.A stays in Team A as Developer in the org chart version 1.

  • First moving Mr.A has been moved from Team A to Team B.

  • Second moving Mr.A has been moved from a Developer role to be BA but still in Team B.

So the question is the Lucidchart can export data or traceable the movement of Mr.A what and when that this employee has been moved? 

Hi Prakhan Thanks for posting on the community! It is not currently possible to track the movement of employees on an Org Chart. If this is a feature you would be interested to see would you please submit your idea using our feature request form? Submissions here are passed onto our product development team and can help shape future roadmaps. My recommendation in the meantime if you would like the different versions of the Org Chart to see changes over time I would recommend creating a new Org Chart when you will be implementing changes so that you will have the old and new Org Chart to compare.

Hope this helps!

Hi Shanna  

Thank you but how about the feature name is Revision history? Is it able to use some way for tracking from this feature?



Hi thanks for following up!

While Revision History would not show a fluid trace of the movement it could serve to go back to an old version and look at where a user had been previously. Each change made on the document will be represented in Revision History so it could be difficult to go back and find just the information you are interested in for the movement of a particular individual. You can however name versions in your Revision History so you could name the versions that are important and go back and look at them. Our Revision History article is a great resource for getting started on using the feature and learning about its benefits.

Note: Revision History is only available to Team and Enterprise accounts. For more information on the features available at each subscription level check out our Lucidchart Plans article.

Yes I thought this functionality was in the tool at least that is what I was told. However I need a data export of the changes as well... we created future state org charts and made updates and were expecting that this "change report" export functionality was available but now reading this seems it was not something. Yes please create this as it was one of the reasons that we wanted this tool as I was under the impression this functionality was there.

@jennifer f102 Thanks for continuing this thread and apologies for the confusion! Shanna's description remains correct - while it's not possible to export or trace changes to your org chart or specific employees edits to your diagram in general are captured by revision history. Thanks for letting us know that this is an important feature for you - I've passed this and your use case details along to our development team who will consider this when prioritizing future improvements to the product. Please let me know if you have any additional questions! Apologies for the inconvenience and thank you for your request. 
