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Hello there

I am a LUCIDCHART user for many years. 

But now I have a requirement where I need to generate a LUCIDCHART diagram from data included in my personal software. 

After that any changes in my personal software requeire that LUCIDCHART diagram changes as well.

Besides that I want to make changes in the diagram created how I wish.

What tipe of data I need to generate and what is the correct way to do it? 

How can I do it? I think is necessary to explain better my needs. Is there someone who can I talk directly?

Thank you for your help


Hi Hernani

Thanks for posting in the community. This sounds like a really cool use case but unfortunately I'm not sure we are currently able to support it. However you may be able to use our Zapier Integration and/or our data linking functionality. Hope this helps! 

If you'd like to make suggestions for adding this functionality in the future please let us know via our feature request form. This information is passed directly to our development team for their consideration.
