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Integrate with Slack

  • 30 August 2018
  • 5 replies


I use Slack and is part of the IASA team on Lucidchart.

Is it possible to get the Slack integration to work.

I get this error message: 

Speak with your Lucidchart account administrator

Your Lucidchart team has not yet integrated with Slack. Contact your Lucidchart account admin Paul Preiss to install the Slack integration.


Thanks for your interest in integrating with Slack.  Your Slack admin will have to configure your Slack instance to use the Lucidchart integration.  You will need to start on the Lucidchart side by clicking this link and following the instructions.  As a side note you will need admin credentials on both sides to complete the installation.  Let us know if you have any questions. 

Hey - I'm looking for a way to do this where one person doesn't have to be an admin in both services - IT owns our slack account I own our Lucid account and we use ADFS singlesignon and can't be two distinct entities in one browser flow from the "add to slack" button.  He gets a permission denied from Lucid I get a "no perms" from Slack.

Hi Gordon

Thanks for reaching out to the community. Unfortunately it is not possible to integrate Lucidchart with Slack unless you have admin credentials in both applications. In your case I would recommend that you temporarily make the IT admin of the Slack account a Lucidchart admin have them set up the integration and then downgrade their account permissions. Let me know if you have any questions.

Hey thanks Abby and for the quick response can I do that and also revoke them as a user to reclaim a team licensed user back?  We're doing an extended team trial and our licenses are scarce.

Yes you can do that. But the switch of the account owner has to be done on our end so when the IT account has been added to your team in Lucidchart please submit a support ticket here requesting the change of account owner and we can get that taken care of. Then just reply again once you need it switched back. Looking forward to hearing from you!
