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Insertion of charts into Word using Lucidcharts integration with word

  • 21 November 2016
  • 3 replies

Hi! I am using the basic version of Lucid Charts and have the following queries. 

1. I have inserted a couple of process maps into MSWord using Lucid Charts and the resolution of the process maps has reduced substantially. Any way to adjust the resolution? 

2. Any way I can insert a Header and Footer in Lucid Charts process maps?

3. Any way I can copy paste a title from Word in the same font to Lucid Charts directly. I am unable to find the exact same font in Lucid Charts?


Hi Surbhi

Thanks for your post! The resolution of your charts should not change when you insert it into Word. It's possible that if you increase the size of the process map after you insert it the resolution will decrease but this is true for all images and objects. There is no standard header/footer option for process maps but you should be able to use a text box to accomplish this. If you're trying to get text from Word and you do not see your font available in Lucidchart you can add it as a custom font manually. Please let me know if you have any other questions!

Hi thanks for your quick response

1. Could you please tell me how do I increase the resolution of the process map when its inserted into word through the Lucid Chart integration with word. When I insert the pic it automatically pastes the process map as a small sized object. Or is there anyway I can adjust the dimension of the process map at the time of pasting the pic. 

2. How do I add a custom font manually in Lucid Charts? I want to list all my titles in the charts in Cambria font size 11. 



Hi Surbhi

Thanks for the response. There is no way to automatically get the chart to re-size using the plugin; I recommend submitting this in our feature request form. As for adding a custom font there is a good community post on this to help you out there. Please let me know if you still have questions.
