Include detailed description of flowchart in printout or download
Hi, I'd like to know if it's possible to create a process diagram printout that includes documentation/description under each process step.
So, my question is: Is it possible to generate a printout of the process diagram including the documentation under each step, preferably in Word, PDF, or another format, so I can share the process description/diagram with others and they can see both the steps and the accompanying documentation?
Additionally, if the above isn't feasible, does anyone know of an alternative solution to achieve this?
I really hope someone can help me with this!
With dear regards
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Hi @Abdullah, thank you for posting in the community!
It is possible to attach images and notes to objects in Lucidchart however if you plan to export your document, I would recommend using the text shape to add documentation/descriptions to your process flow diagram instead.
The text object can be find in the Standard shapes library and the icon is a ‘T’ (see screenshot below).
You can use this to add text and descriptions anywhere on your diagram. For example I’ve added some descriptions to the process below, and these descriptions will be visible when you export your document as a PDF file (or any other file formats we support).
I hope this helps! Feel free to let me know if this is not what you are looking for, or if you have any questions :)
Hi, thank you very much for your response! My question is whether it is possible to include a more detailed description alongside the brief description shown in the process chart itself. This would involve providing the process chart itself, for example in a Word or PDF document, followed by separate descriptions of the process steps and the corresponding documentation.
With dear regards,
Hi @Abdullah, thank you for following up! It is possible to add longer descriptions using the text shapes. For example, I used the text block shape found in the standard shape library to add the text next to to example process flow below:
These shapes can be placed anywhere on your canvas so you can position it under the diagram, and adjust the document’s page settings so that it all appears on one page in your exported file.
If this is not what you are looking for, would you mind sharing an example image and description so that I can share advice or workarounds for your use-case? Feel free to let me know if you have any questions!