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I switched over to using LucidChart after I stopped using a Mac and OmniGraffle.  I was able to successfully import most of my existing OmniGraffle drawings but would also like to import the stencils (i.e. shape sets) that I also bought for that app.  These come with the extension .gstencil (often itself inside a ZIP).  Is it possible to get these stencils into LucidChart and if so how?  Attempts to import by dragging & dropping or choosing the file all fail.
If you need I can supply example files that I've tried to import.


Hi Michael thanks for posting! We don't currently support .gstencil imports only Visio stencil imports. If you think that would be a good feature to add to Lucidchart you can promote it to our product team by filling out this form. But in the meantime as a workaround what you could do is put those shapes in an Omnigraffle diagram export the diagram and import that into Lucidchart. Hope this helps! 
