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I imported ER diagram from my postgresql database but see that not all of the columns are included in the tables.  Is that the way it is intended to work?  I would understand if only various key columns were imported but it seems arbitrary.  For example updated_datetime shows up in my shapes but not created_datetime for the same table.  Neither one of the columns has any relationship to another table.

Thank you




Hello Agnieszka

Thanks for posting in the Community!

The intended functionalities of ERDs are laid out in our ERD article from the Lucidchart Help Center. Without being able to see your datasheet it is challenging to pinpoint why you're able to see some columns in the form of shapes in your shape panel and not others. 

It could be that a formatting issue is causing this discrepancy. If you need assistance determining what is causing this I would recommend filing a support ticket here and providing your datasheet along with your request so that our Team can look into the matter.

Thank you!
