I'm working with a draw.io uncompressed xml file with rectangles with text attached to them. In this example from my xml file it is a rectangle with the text "123" attached to it.
<mxCell id="63COVIc-qocxFOekev41-1" value="123" style="rounded=0;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;" vertex="1" parent="1">
<mxGeometry x="190" y="240" width="100" height="100" as="geometry" />
It seems to input fine and I get my rectangle text but if I do Export CSV of shape data it exports as text shape not a rectangle with text as it would if I had created the rectangle in Lucidchart.
instead of
509RectangleGeometric Shapes1637223
I don't officially know if the problem is happening at import or export.
Does anyone know how I could make this workflow could result in Rectangles exported instead of Text?