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When we imported a Visio BPMN 2.0 diagram with a swim-lane it came in as a pool shape but we cannot extend/add additional lanes or change the shape to a multi-swim-lane shape so we can add lanes. How can we do this?



Hi Trevor thanks for reaching out! Can you verify that the file is able to be opened correctly in Visio? If a file is the wrong file type or has some other issue that makes it an invalid file we will not be able to import it. If the file opens in Visio can you try re-saving that file from Visio as a VSDX file and importing that file into Lucidchart? The VSDX file format is newer and re-saving from Visio can sometimes correct issues in the file itself.

If these steps do not help resolve your issue let me know and I would be happy to investigate this issue in a one on one troubleshooting ticket.
