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Imported Vison Swimlane chart selected convert to Lucid objects and I get a regular chart no Swimlane options in Lucid.  Is there  away to import a Visio swimlane chart and convert it to a Lucid Swimlane Chart?

I really don't want to re-create all the swimlane charts?

Hi Henry thanks for posting in the Lucidchart Community! I'm sorry for the trouble you are experiencing with Visio import. Just to make sure that we are on the same page please review our basic troubleshooting steps with Visio import from the Lucid Community and let me know if you have any questions.

Can you verify that the file is able to be opened correctly in Visio? If a file is the wrong file type or has some other issue that makes it an invalid file we will not be able to import it.

If you are able to open the file in Visio please try re-saving it to both VSDX and VSD file formats then importing those files to Lucidchart. Switching the file type can sometimes correct issues in the file itself.

If the issue persists please submit a ticket for one on one email troubleshooting here and attach the following information:

  • The original Visio file (VSD/VSDM/VDX/VSDX file).

  • Screenshots of the issue.

Hope this helps!
