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Hi! I struggle with import of a diagram to ppt. I can save the file as a pdf or an image and then insert it. If I follow several tutorials I found on Youtube, I click on "add-in" in ppt, I can select Lucid Software; I click on my document, and then just the work-page of lucid chart opens in ppt, but I can not get only the diagram to ppt. But I would like to build it up with an animation, so that I show the diagram only step by step to the audience. Any help would be hiiiighly appreciated 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

@enameli98 If you want to show the diagram step by step you can have a master diagram and mini diagrams that show only part of the process that you would export and import as images. Lucid does not have a video or animation feature, though you can request it in product feedback. The least expensive option is to create a Loom video if you want to record the movement of the mouse. You could alternate mini diagrams with Loom videos then have the master diagram at the beginning and/or end.
