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Is it possible to import svg files with editable text? My svg file does not use path so my expectation is that the text is editable after import. However it is not editable. 

<svg viewBox="0 0 240 80" xmlns="">
<text x="20" y="35">My</text>
<text x="40" y="35">cat</text>
<text x="55" y="55">is</text>
<text x="65" y="55">Grumpy!</text>

My goal is to create a process or sequence diagram. I noticed you can import CSV or UML markup to accomplish that as well. But I will have less control over styling if I do it that way. 

Is there a way to import SVG so that it is editable?

Hi Robin 

Thanks for posting! It should be possible to import an SVG file with editable text (if the text is not a path) although it might not behave exactly in the way a standard Lucidchart shape with a text label would. To achieve the same effect you can also overlay a text shape over the imported SVG shape drag a selection box around the text shape and the shape you imported from the SVG file right-click and select Group. Please see the GIF below for a demonstration. 

It should also be possible to manually style and format shapes in a sequence or process diagram which was initially generated through CSV import or UML markup. You can't initially create the diagram with styling/formatting when using these features but you can format and style shapes individually once the initial import is done. For a general overview of styling shapes in Lucidchart please see our Modify Format and Style Shapes article. 

If this information doesn't help could you please submit a Support ticket using this form so we can take a closer look? Please include: the SVG file you are trying to upload a brief description and/or screenshot of the behaviour you are seeing with the SVG file and a brief description of what you are trying to achieve re: styling your sequence/process diagram. Thanks!
