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  • Selected Insert > Import Page

  • Chose a Lucidchart document containing multiple pages

  • The "Select Document" dialog box changes to include a scrollable page view for the document selected

  • Next/Prev controls do not work in the scrollable page view leaving me only the option to import the default first page

Please advise.


Tested with another Lucidchart document and it works. The reason for my using the import page function traces back to the fact that one of my Lucidchart documents does not load. I suspect this is due to one of the pages which is exceptionally large. Let me clarify. The page's content is not overbearing. However due to some copying/pasting onto this page the size of the page's view port is extremely large. I was careful to eliminate any extraneous content. In my experience when executing a copy/paste of content that normally would occupy the same space on the page that is presently occupied Lucidchart throws the copied content at the bottom right of the page. I'm fine with this but for some unknown reason Lucidchart expands the view port to an outrageously large size. I end up dragging and dropping the lower right content across "miles" of view port until I reach the view port where I decide to place the copied content.

After I did this with this particular Lucidchart page the view port area (meaning the page size) did not auto resize as normal. It retained the huge page size. I checked to see if all the page's layers did not contain content at the bottom right of the page and I found none. This did not pose a problem. For example I was able to load the Lucidchart having this page without issue and was able to continue work on that page. Today is a different story. Lucidchart hangs as soon as I access that specific page. I waited a long time but it keeps hanging. After searching a bit on the Lucidchart support area I followed a recommendation to try loading the Lucidchart document into Firefox as it does not cap memory use like Chrome. Unfortunately I experienced the same problem.

For kicks I copied the Lucidchart document and tried loading it thinking perhaps the original file may have been corrupted somehow but in a manner that would preclude copying its content to a different file. The file copied but the document also hung in both Firefox and Chrome. I am willing to rebuild the page in question. However I need to retain all the remaining pages in the Lucidchart document. Seems I cannot do so as noted earlier.

Is there a way around this? I really do not want to copy and paste every other page into a new document AND rebuild the page in question.

Thank you.

Hi Anthony 

Thank you for posting in the community! I was able to reproduce the issue as you described it and this has been reported to our engineering team to work on. In the meantime you should still be able to use the feature-- when clicking through the pages selecting "insert" will still insert the correct page number that you are on. The issue appears to only be with our image service not updating the page thumbnails and instead shows only the first page.

I'll be sure to let you know of any updates on this issue as they work on it and please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks again for posting!

This bug was reported in Oct. 2021 and I am still experiencing it in May 2022. Is there any progress on fixing it?

Hi @network a thank you for continuing this thread!

My apologies for the continued trouble. Unfortunately I do not have any additional information regarding the issue. Could you please try importing the page in a Chrome incognito window? 

If you are still having trouble could you please submit a support ticket by emailing
