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Hi Team

Is there a way to import Lucidscale Diagram into Lucidchart ?

I have imported my AWS Environment into Lucidscale via AWS CLI ( Cross-Role and IAM User did not work ).

Kindly awaiting your reply.

Hi @agron d thanks for posting in the community! You can export a snapshot of your Lucidscale diagram as Lucidchart shapes via the Lucidscale Workspace. Please note that you will no longer be able to access Lucidscale functionality in the exported diagram however this will allow you to move the shapes around and also make stylistic edits.

For more information please take a look at the 'Model Options' section of this Welcome to Lucidscale article from the Help Center. 

Feel free to comment in this thread if you have any additional questions. Hope this helps! 

Hi Leianne

I am using trial version to see the capabilities of the tool. Lucidchart Shapes is not available to me under Trial version.

Hi @agron d thanks for following up and I'm sorry to hear you were not able to export your Model to Lucidchart shapes. Just to confirm is this what you see when you try the export via Export Snapshot > Lucidchart Shapes?

If that is the case the reason why you are not able to export your model is because your account does not currenly have a Lucidchart license. For more information please review our Lucidchart Plans article. If you are interested in upgrading right away please visit our pricing page

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions about this. 
