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Hi all,

This morning, I’m trying to add a few small images to a Lucidchart board.

I’ve been doing this in Lucid for years without a problem. (I’ve been a Lucid user for a solid decade.)

This attempt, though, keeps failing – I keep receiving a message that “The image failed to upload in time. Please check your network connection, or try again with a smaller image.”

I’ve tried all Lucid’s suggested “troubleshooting steps”:

  • The images aren’t too big (around 1 MB each, well below the 10 MB upload limit),
  • I haven’t run out of storage space (I’m currently only using 4% of the 2 GB I have allowed), and
  • I’ve tried all three potential upload methods (copying and pasting, formally uploading (“inserting”) it from the device, and dragging it from my browser window on the page).

It’s also not my network connection, which I’ve checked and double-checked.

Has anyone encountered and overcome this issue?


Hi @chriseshleman, thank you for posting in the community. I’m sorry to hear you are experiencing trouble with inserting an image. 

Problems with uploading could be related to the size of your image - this can be either the file size OR pixel dimensions. We have a size limit of 4000 pixels - could you please check if your image is above this limit? If so, can you please try resizing it and uploading it again?

Please let me know if you see any improvements, or if you continue to experience issues with inserting the image!

Indeed, this was the problem - pixelation. Thank you. 

Thanks for the update, @chriseshleman! Glad to hear that helped resolve the issue :) 
