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Hello There

Is there a way to turn off spell checks for caps e.g. for something like KMM or ABC we clearly don't need a spell check


Hi Khurram thanks for posting! If you first click into the word that is being flagged by spell check and then right click on it you can select to "add to dictionary". This will make it so that word will no longer be flagged in the future. Alternatively you can turn off spell check entirely by going to the "edit" option on your top menu and then de-selecting spell check. Hope this helps!

Hey there

Thnx for this and I was able to figure that out. However wouldn't it be nice to just ignore the CAPS as they are mostly abbreviations. New feature request?


Hi Khurram

That's an excellent suggestion! Would you mind adding this idea to our Feature Request form? This form is shared with our development team for their consideration. We appreciate your request!
