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Is it possible to disable the automatic staggering of icons or dynamic shapes when using conditional formatting? 

As an example a have conditional formatting adding icons based on the connections to upstream objects.

I have 4 categories each with a different color. Child objects are connected to those categories and I use those icons to make it easier to understand what categories they are part of further down the chart. 

While the dots are nice I wanted a more compact representation so I tried using the Dynamic Shape Progress Pie. I set the background to 0 opacity with the idea that if I set the min and max between 0 and 4 and chose a different value for each category and had the rules in the correct order (assuming rules dictate the render order which is probably not true) each separate quadrant would be colorized based on the upstream categories. 

However it appears that LucidChart's default behavior is to stagger icons or dynamic shapes when they are assigned the same 'slot' in the interface (which makes perfect sense in most cases except this one). 

Is it possible to turn this behavior off? If not a future checkbox to disable it would be useful.

Hi George

Thanks for posting and sharing your interesting use case. Unfortunately I do not believe this is currently possible. However we're always looking for ways to improve. Would you mind adding your suggestion to our feature request form?
