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私は日本語でLucid Chartを利用しています。


I use Lucid Chart in Japanese.
Today I created a new folder on Lucid and tried to rename this.
However when I gave it a Japanese name and pressed the Enter key the folder name seemed to be determined without confirming the Japanese conversion and the name remained "New Folder" and I could not change it.
If the Japanese name was entered in another document pasted and determined or if an English name was entered that did not require conversion the name could be changed normally.
I believe there was a bug related to Japanese conversion in the Lucid documentation a while ago so this is probably a related issue.
Please take care of this issue.

@泰斗 手 様





Hi there thank you for posting in the Lucid community! I was able to reproduce the issue you described with changing a folder name when typing in Japanese and have reported this to our development team. I will update this thread as soon as I have more information.

In the meantime you should be able to change the folder name by entering the new name in Japanese and clicking the text field once to deselect the text. Once you have clicked once you should be able to click 'Done' to save the new folder name. Alternatively you should still be able to copy/paste text to change the folder name. I understand that this require extra steps but should allow you to continue your work in the meantime. 

Thank you for your help and patience. Please don't hesitate to let us know if you have any questions in the meantime!

@泰斗 手 様

ご利用いただく中で不具合の再発見、もしくは何かご不明な点などございましたら お気軽にお問い合わせください。


Hi there

Good news! I have heard back from our development team and it sounds like the issue you experienced should now be resolved. I apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused. Please let me know if you continue to experience issues or have further questions.
