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We use the team space feature a bit and have put most of our shared documents in the “team content” folder. I find it a bit annoying that I can’t directly reach this folder from the sidebar.


All other folders I’m able to see in a list of other folders to “star” it, but I can’t find a way to do it with the team content folder for a team space.


This is either a question about how I might go about doing this somehow, or otherwise a request to add a way to star this folder.

Hi @bnl 

You are 100% right, starring Team Space folders is directly not possible at this time.

This can be treated as future enchantments.


Hope this helps - Happy to help further!!
Thank you very much and have a great one!

Warm regards

Hi @bnl, would you be willing to add your feedback to this thread about Team Spaces? 


We’re very eager and interested in learning about what kind of improvements we can make here.  

Hi @bnl, would you be willing to add your feedback to this thread about Team Spaces? 



