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Is there any way to star a document with the document open?

The only way I can find to star a document is from the more option when the document is closed.

I want to star the document before I close it because I then have to go find it in the folder just to add the star.


Hi Shirley

Thanks for posting on the community! Starring documents is a docs page feature. It is not currently a feature that can be used from within a document. If this is a feature that you would be interested in seeing potentially interested in the future please fill out our feature request form! Ideas submitted here are passed onto our Product Development team and can help shape future road maps. Thanks for your feedback!

For anyone else looking for features of the docs page please check out our Documents Page article!

Lucid Team - Please consider adding a feature to organize favorite folders / files. I work on a number of projects and need to find my most current projects. Because I work on different teams they can be in Shared with Me or Team Folders or my own... I waste time remembering where they are located each time I go to change the project I'm working on at a given time!  Thank you!

@debby n Thanks for continuing this thread. Good news - this is possible! You can "star" a document or folder by clicking on the More menu and choosing Add to Starred.

This will add a link to this document within your Starred Items folder in the left navigation bar. Selecting this folder will display any documents or folders that you have starred!

This also adds a small star icon in the upper right corner of a document or folder's thumbnail so that these projects are more easily identifiable among other documents when browsing in your My Documents Shared with Me or Team Folders.

Note: To clarify the original question and Shanna's pinned response above are referring to the ability to star an item from within an open document. This is not possible - it can only be done from the My Documents page.  

I hope this helps! Please give this a try and let me know if you have any additional questions!
