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In Lucidspark it used to be that when selecting a Status (In Progress To Do etc.) it would show up on the card in the roadmaps I created. Recently I noticed that Status and Estimates no longer show and you have to click into the card itself to view. Is there a way to get these to show on my cards again?

Hi Josh!

You can toggle and edit your card fields using this guide! Let us know if you run into any issues.

Has this been answered, the link is broken?

@Swee Thanks for pointing this out! We’ve updated our Help Centre links and you can find the guide mentioned above here: Add and edit Lucid Card details

Thanks, but the issue I have is the status choices in the card, In progress, Done etc have disappeared from drop down and it just says --select --. I don’t see how to fix this issue? All my cards have no choices anymore for status.

Thanks, but the issue I have is the status choices in the card, In progress, Done etc have disappeared from drop down and it just says --select --. I don’t see how to fix this issue? All my cards have no choices anymore for status.

Same issue, when I add template everything is good, but when delete all cards and start adding empty ones, then all statuses are gone.
