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Hi All

I have created an org chart using the org chart template (which is great)

However it is showing all direct reports as the same 'level' and I can't seem to work out how to visualise some reports as more senior than others. Ideally I would have 3 reports showing as senior and then 2 below representing junior roles.

I assumed I'd be able to drag people boxes further down than others on the grid but that doesn't seem to be possible.

Any ideas?



Hi Harry there are only three different layout options so the best way to show seniority is by having the more senior individuals have reports underneath them. One idea that might be helpful to you is using conditional formatting to show seniority. Please see this help center article for more information on our conditional formatting feature.


I am also trying to reflect what Harry is requesting here. Is there any update to the system?

Hi Carolyn thanks for continuing this thread! We do not have any updates on this Org Chart functionality at this time. If that is a feature you would be interested in please fill out our Feature Request Form. Submissions here help us group together requests and they are brought up directly with our development team. Thanks for your feedback!
