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I read how to change the default font which was very helpful but not what I was trying to do really. 

I know I am just doing it wrong but i am stuck trying to switch styles for text from saved choices. So like if I start a new box and it is the one where the font color is the same as the background and I want it to be blue and 12pt Wingding font or whatever I can change things things to be blue and 12pt and then set that as default but is there not a way to also have one for 18pt red webdings or what have you? Like styles in outlook though I cringe to compare this to Outlook.

ok sorry to bug any help is very appreciated


PS I think this software is really awesome.


Hi Chris

Thanks for your post! If I'm correctly understanding what you've described you're attempting to apply default settings that are dependent on the type of font you're using. Unfortunately this is not currently supported in Lucidchart. However we're always working to improve Lucidchart and if this is a functionality you'd like to see added to Lucidchart in the future please submit a feature request form. Ideas and feedback submitted to this form are passed to our product development team for consideration. Thanks in advance for your request! 
