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Hello all

I'm new to lucid chart love it ! 

Today i'm experiencing an issue. I uploaded excel data. Then added some text from those data in a standard shape ajusted the text size and color etc. Then saved that shape in My Shapes to be reussed.

Then I was starting with this standard shape to create new one dragging it to my chart then dragging data into it. So far so good.

Though today i wanted to modify the content (fields) showing in each task and modify text size...I was thinking it would update all the task that was created using the shape model but its not...

Do I have to do all over recreating a model task with the right setup for text size etc then dragging again the data I want to link to it ? Or is there a better way to change the display of a series of tasks linked to the same data base.

I've tried with COPY STYLE / PASTE STYLE not working...

To better understand see image attached. If for example i want the number to be larger (no.1 on second image). It's not impacting the other tasks that were created with the same Shape Standard.

Don't know if i'm clears.

Thanks !


Hi Vincent

 I am also new to Lucidcharts and came across the same inability to update styles on linked data.  Copy/Paste Styles does not work on linked data fields.  Uggh.

One feature that works a bit like this is in the "Smart Containers".   If your chart is based on Smart Containers then you can set a default style by right clicking on an object that you have formatted.  Then all the other objects update with that style immediately-- UNLESS you have already changed styling on individual objects. Then those changes don't get overwritten by the default style.  

At that point if you do want to change those attributes to follow the default style you right click and select "Clear Overrides". The object will take on all the styling of the default style then and will update if you later update the default style to something else.

On a related note there also does not seem to be a way to add a linked data field to more than one object at a time (except when using Smart Containers).  For the Smart Containers there is a checklist that controls which data fields are on the objects... so when you change that you change it for all of the objects.

So in general if not using Smart Containers we have to design the object with linked data exactly the way we want it before making any duplicates based on other rows of data.. otherwise all the duplicates have to be individually changed by hand.  Ouch.

There are comments in this forum going back a couple of years about all this.  Seems to be an ongoing pain point for using linked data.  Perhaps adding your voice to the feature requests would help.

If you come up with other observations about this situation I would love to hear them. I am trying to figure out if Lucidcharts is the tool that I need for a specific task.

