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Hello I have 2 question when i'm using the "company Org template"

1.  for the tier 1 direct report lay out will I be able to change it into 1 person tops another but still have the same reporting relationship? something like the following:

From this to the second picture 

2. when manually draw a line while using the Org template it can't lock with the template after I contract or expand the chart how to make it stays as part of my whole chart? 

Thank you for the help!

Hi David

Thanks for posting on the community! 

Unfortunately this neither of your requests are currently supported in Lucidchart. If you would like to see something like this in the future please fill out this Feature Request form. Ideas submitted to this form are passed on to the product development team for their consideration.

In the meantime I would manually add the reporting relationship you wish to use using our shapes library. Since you cannot lock templates if you would like to add extra shapes to your org chart I would suggest sizing your org chart and then adding the shapes a finishing touch.

If you have any problems or questions feel free to contact our support team by filling out this form.

