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Can I tag a label to an object like a rectangle so the label can move with the rectangle?



Hi Vincent thanks for reaching out! You can add text to an object and then group the items together by right clicking and selecting 'Group;. This will make the text move with the rectangle. Hope this helps!

With AWS Azure Kubernetes kind of icon libraries you get a default label (an editable text field) attached to each icon. How can someone do this with their custom icon libraries when the icons are shared within their teams?

Thanks for posting! It looks like you found a workaround in your post here. The instructions can also be seen below:

  1. Drag and drop an icon from the library to the Editor

  2. Drag and drop a text field under the icon and name it and position as you need

  3. Group the icon with the text field 

  4. Drag the grouped elements (icon and text-label) and drop back into the icon library palette

  5. Repeat this with all the icons (which is painful and time-consuming; but it works)

  6. Open "Shapes" and go to your custom icon library

  7. Rename icons with meaningful names

  8. Delete the initial set of icons that don't have text fields attached (right-click and "delete") — You have to delete icons one by one from the library.


Hi Ava thanks for continuing this thread and leaving your feedback about this workaround! I definitely understand that this isn't an idea solution when you have a lot of shapes in your custom library. If you'd like to see more robust support for this in the future we'd love to hear more details about your use case here which our development team will use when prioritizing improvements to the product. Thanks!

Came looking for the same over 2 years later but the answer is still NO. I left a feature request for a simple shape label that can be (re)positioned by the user. Fingers crossed no one will have to google how to add shape labels in 2025.
