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How to Insert Shapes on an Existing Flowchart

  • 3 July 2017
  • 1 reply


I am a newbie to lucidchart and I have a very simple question I am unable to find an answer to. For example I can create a simple standard flow chart and save it as such. I then open that chart the next day and want to add to it by inserting shapes where there is no room to in the chart to do so. When I insert shapes now the new shape overlays onto the existing shapes. I need to be able to have the chart automatically reconfigure itself to size when a shape box  is added. Is this possible. Thank you!

Hi Kristen

Thank you for reaching out! So if you need more space on your Lucidchart diagram you are able to expand the size of your canvas by placing a shape in the grey area. This will open up a whole new page and allow you to have more space to create your diagram.

Unfortunately we do not yet have a feature that forces the shapes around newly placed shapes to move. If you'd like you can post this request to the feature request form here.
