Hi Shahriar thanks for posting in the Community and I'm happy to help! Here are our Help Center articles for Using Lucidchart for Confluence Server and Using Lucidchart for Confluence Cloud. If you navigate to whichever article is applicable to the Confluence type you are using it goes over how you can designate which page of a diagram you'd like to insert. Hope this helps and please let me know if you have any additional questions!
Hello @maison w thank you for your reply.
The link that you supplied shows how insert a document into a confluence page which I know how to do.
The questions was how can I include a specific tab of a document which has multiple tabs included in it?
Sorry if I have somehow overlooked this information in the article you forwarded.
Thank you
Hello again @maison w
Actually the second I posted my response I saw this paragraph below:
Dictate which pages of the Lucidchart document are available to viewers of the Confluence page (eg. 3 or 2-3).
- Note: A page's number is determined by it's position (i.e. when viewing a diagram in Lucidchart the page tab third in line is page 3). Additionally selecting a page or page range is only possible if you are using the rich viewer.
So this brings up the question if someone rearranges the tab sequence would that mess up my confluence page? Is there an unique identifier that is not impacted by the sequence?
Yes that is correct. If you selected to insert page tab 2 and then someone opened the diagram and changed the tab order so a different tab is second in line then that tab would be the new one to display in Confluence. Unfortunately we don't currently have a unique identifier that would allow it to be unaffected-- this is currently how it functions. However we are always looking for suggestions on how we can improve. If you'd like you can provide your feedback in the product feedback area of the community to pass it to our developers for their consideration when planning future features/improvements to Lucidchart.
My apologies for any inconvenience this causes and please let me know if you have any additional questions!
Hi @angie z thanks for continuing this thread! You should be able to specify which page tab you would like to display when adding a Lucidchart diagram to a Confluence Page.
However as my colleague Maison mentioned if a collaborator changes the order of the page tabs within Lucidchart the inserted diagram in Confluence will display the page tab according to the new order. If a unique identifier or the function to allow page tabs to be unaffected is something you'd like to see please let us know in the product feedback area. The top upvoted ideas are passed on to the product development team for their consideration.
I hope this helps! Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions.
Specifying: '1' '1-5' does not work. The field for the tabs says Page*s* so specifying a range shows that range. To specify one tab specify that page as 1-1 (shows tab 1) 3-3 shows page 3 etc. There seems to bit a bit of a delay on our server so it takes a few seconds to work. Sometimes publishing helps. (Also I have Richviewer and Updates set to ON.)
Hi @ray a thanks for continuing this thread and sharing your experience. We would love to take a closer look at the issue you are describing.
If the issue you see does not resolve please submit a support ticket here and include a screenshot of the issue the URL to your document and a screenshot of the associated Javascript Console output after reproducing the issue so we can take a closer look. Thanks!
Same problems with showing the tabs in Notion. Can someone help me with that?
Hi @pouyan thanks for continuing this thread! Unfortunately it is not currently possible to choose a specific tab to display when embedding your document in Notion. However it is possible to navigate between the different pages in your document and also view the page thumbnails by clicking the four squares icon. 
If you would like to only display a specific page I would recommend creating a copy of that page in a separate document and embedding that into your Notion page. Alternatively it may help to rearrange your pages so that the one that you'd like displayed is in the position of 'Page 1'.
However we are always looking for ways to improve Lucid. If there are any additional details you'd like to share about your use case or what you'd like to see in this experience we'd love to hear more in this thread. Thank you!
+1 for this feature request.
Embed specific tab from Lucid in to confluence is not supported.
You can try Export and Embed - export should be an image or pdf