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It's such a simple thing to do but I can't find a reference on how to do it?

I can read the manual once I find the "fine manual" so a link would be sufficient.  :-)



... Imagine making a tic-tac-toe board of 4 lines (so you could practice using Lucid with team members who are new to the tool) then duplicating that many times into a "pile" of boards then letting the team drag a whole board at a time.



Hi Michael 

Thanks for reaching out to the community! Here is our "Freehand Drawing" Help Center article that you may find useful. I have also listed the steps here for you: To group items on your board together please drag to select all desired items (or hold down CTRL + click). Once all of the items are highlighted please right click on the selection. You will see a menu pop-open. Select "Group" . You can now move all items as one. I have attached a gif to demonstrate these steps!

Yes I see this can be done to group multiple items to move them as one but what if I want to resize all of them? For example let's say I have a series of parallel horizontal lines. I want to resize them by making them twice as long. I don't want to have to do that one line at a time I want to group them and then increase the length of the entire group. This seems to be pretty basic functionality yes?

Hi Brian

Thanks for posting to this thread! Unfortunately there isn't a way to resize Lines after grouping them. But you could do this via Freehand Drawing. First you will have to draw the lines select both lines by dragging (or hold down CTRL + click) and then click on Group and Edit Group. You can see this in the GIF below.

Another way to save time when resizing shapes is by using the "match size" option. You can select the shapes that you want the sizes to be the same for then right click and click "Match Size". You can also see how to do this in the GIF below. 

If you'd like to promote your idea of resizing Lines to our product development team and describe your use case for it please add it to our feature request form here. If you're curious about what happens to feedback submitted to this form I'd recommend checking out our What happens to my feedback? community post for more info.

Thanks for your request and sorry for the inconvenience.

