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Hello Team,

The background of my swim-lane chart is green.  When I attempt to save as a pdf, the background is white.  How do I get Lucid Chart to print both my chart and the color background?

Thank you!


Hi @kcrossley 

Once you open the printing or exporting menu to choose those settings, can you please confirm that you have toggled on the “Include Page Fill” setting?

This should ensure that your background fill color is maintained. See my example in the GIF below:


Hope this helps - Happy to help further!!
Thank you very much and have a great one!
Warm regards


Hi @kcrossley,


I used the “Flowchart with swimlanes” template to get something similar, and adjusted the theme to change the colors of the swim lane titles. 

On export to .pdf, the colors are retained, the swimlane itself, however, remain transparent.  Does this setup match what you are trying to print?


Thank you, 


Chris Mosch

Hello @Humas1985,

Thank you for your reply.  You are correct, “Include Page Fill” was turned off.  Interestingly, when you select File > Export > Slides to PDF, this option is ON by default.  Seems odd Lucid would choose “Off” as the default.  In brief, to ensure the background is printed, either the “Include Page” fill needs to be turned on or export as a slide to pdf.



