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I need help in understanding how to make not public the HTML code that is generated by Lucidchart when I I want to share a diagram. The issue is that this HTML could be visible from any one in the world. Thanks for suggestions.

Hi there 

Thanks for posting in the Lucid Community! Published documents created by users are not indexed by search engines – we disallow crawling by using the robots exclusion standard meaning that Google and other search engines are unable to crawl your published Lucidchart documents. For additional security Team and Enterprise accounts have the ability to password protect shared and published documents. To learn more about this please take a look at our Publish Your Document article from the Lucidchart Help Center. 

Alternatively if you objective is mostly making your document available to other users you can share your document directly with them over email. For more information about our sharing features please review our Collaborate and Share article

Hope this helps! 

Hi Flavia

many thanks for your prompt answer by the way I need some more help. Provided that published documents are not indexed by search engines when shared then can be shared also with people outside our company and read. Is there a way apart from protecting them with a password to generate a URL code that can work only within the company domain? Ex. only readable or usable if the person accessing to it as an account with the same email domain of the one used to create the document just as an example.




Hi Monica

Unfortunately what you are describing is not currently supported in Lucidchart. However we are always looking for ways to improve Lucidchart and your feedback is the best way for us to do that. Would you mind adding your thoughts to our feature request form? Ideas submitted to this form are passed on to the product development team for their consideration.

If you would like to learn about the security features for collaboration available on enterprise accounts I would recommend taking a look at our Security Features for Enterprise Admins article

Thanks for your request and I apologize for any inconvenience this causes you! 

