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Hi there I am currently on the Free EDU plan. How can set LucidChart to display only the free templates. It's somewhat annoying to keep clicking on templates only to find that they are in the Premium plan only.

Cheers Steve

Hi Steve 

Thanks for reaching out to the Lucidchart community. There isn't currently any way to have your account only show the free templates. However to help you identify premium templates this premium indicator will show up at the top of all templates that are only available in the Premium plan.

Hope this helps and feel free to let me know if you have any further questions.


This isn't true. I have the free education edition and premium templates are not marked as indicated in the response. There is no way to tell which are premium and which are included in the education edition without attempting to add the template.

Hi Andrew

Thanks for your response. You are correct this functionality has changed. There is no longer an indication on the template page showing which templates are premium. However if you try to select a premium template you will get a pop-up notification that the template is only available at higher account levels. I'm sorry for the inconvenience!
