How to correctly capture time to market for a process with conditional steps?

  • 13 July 2022
  • 1 reply

Hi I have added "time" as a custom data to my shapes and added a last step to calculate "total time" using =SUM(UPSTREAMDEEP."time"). However this isn't calculating the total time correctly since my process has some steps with conditional steps based on decision points. Using "UpstreamDeep" is adding the "time" for all process steps. Please advise. Thanks! Jeannie


Userlevel 5
Badge +13

Hey Jeannie

Thanks for creating a unique post for this use case within the Community! I love the idea you have come up with to use formulas to calculate total time based on conditional decisions. I have included a gif here that I think should help out with this process. 

Hope this helps--feel free to comment here with questions and screenshots if this doesn't quite do what you need. I would be happy to take a closer look and help find a solution. Cheers!
