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How to collapse lefthand tool bar in Lucidchart

  • 6 November 2023
  • 7 replies

please see image.. There are 2 large sidebars taking a significant amount of space.. I'd like to hide them enitrely as I don't use them..


Hi Dave thanks for posting in the community. It's not possible to disable or hide these toolbars. I'd recommend clicking and dragging the right edge to shrink them as much as possible and if you prefer it visually you can close out any open shape libraries. I've demonstrated both of these in the GIF below:

I would be interested in your primary goal when working in Lucidchart and the experience you're hoping for! Are you largely viewing diagrams only instead of editing?

we're creating large org charts and editing them on it. 

the large sidebar is a complete and utter waste of space for 90%+ of the time (do a use case study on this - i'm pretty certain you'll see it).

It should be designed to collapse (or be optional to collapse) after a tool is chosen to minimize waste.


I agree.  The sidebar gets in the way and should collapse.

Hi @Keith E, thank you for continuing this thread! I can confirm that it is now possible to collapse the side bar. To do this, simply click on the icons on the left panel and this will allow you to open or collapse the panel as needed! 

I’ve also attached a GIF demonstrating this: 

I hope this helps! Please feel free to let us know if you have any questions :) 

@Leianne C Amazing!  Thank you!

Is there any way to have the left hand navigation collapsed by default for a user or a document? For existing files or files in a certain status, it would be great to have this collapsed by default because those documents are primarily for review.


Thank you for your reply! Currently there is not a way to default the panel being closed. However, as a workaround you do one of the following: 

  • Share the document with Comment or View access only. This will close the left panel and the person reviewing the document can look at the document. You can give comment access if you would like them to provide feedback. 
  • Publish the document. This is similar to the view only option, the difference here is that this will be available people without Lucid accounts. 

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

