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We have 3 templates in a team folder yet only one of those shows up in the Team section of the Template Gallery. How can we get the others to show up? 

See attached images.

Hi Tom thanks for posting in the community! I'm sorry for the trouble - this is unusual! To start can you please try both removing the template from the Team Folder and adding it back as well as converting the templates back to documents then reconverting them to templates? Often a simple "reset" like this resolves most sharing and folder problems. If the issue still persists after trying this please submit a ticket here so that our support team can take a closer look!

For anyone else working with Team Folders or Custom Templates please begin by reviewing the linked help center articles and post any questions below. 

Thank you for the quick response. Unfortunately none of those tips solved the problem. But what I did discover is that the two "missing" team templates are showing up in my Personal Template Gallery despite the fact that they are all in the same Team Folder.  I think there's a problem with our account's folder permissions. I'll submit a ticket.

I'm having this exact same issue with two Lucid Spark templates at the moment was there a fix for this? We have two templates that were created within the team folder but when I converted them from boards to templates they only show under my personal template tab. Previously any templates created in the team folder automatically showed as team templates.

Hi Zoe! 

Thanks for commenting in our Community! After you’ve created a custom template you will need to share your template with collaborators or a team.

To share a custom template follow these steps:

  1. Locate the template on your documents page.

  2. Hover over the template name and select the “Share” icon.

  3. Enter your collaborator’s name or email and choose their sharing permissions. You can also share the template with your team by typing in your team name. If you want your collaborators to be able to change the template make sure to grant them “edit” access. If you do not want your collaborators to change the template make sure to only give “view” access. This will allow collaborators to edit the template once they create their own new document or board from the template but they will not be able to change the template itself.

  4. Click “Share.”

This template will then appear in your collaborators’ “Shared With Me” folder. They can create a new document or board from this template by hovering over the document or board name and selecting “new.” If they have edit permission they can make changes to the template itself by double-clicking on the template document. 

If the issue persists could you please send in a support ticket? If you could please include a screenshot of the issue in your ticket that will help us take a closer look at the issue. 

Has there been any further updates on this issue?  The last post from Lucid above has the template appear in the "Shared With Me" folder.  This is not putting the template into the Templates "Team Folder" which was the original question.  I too have the issue with any Template I create either in My Documents or a Team Folder showing up in the Templates Personal Folder.  Any further help would be appreciated.  Thanks

Hi Mike thanks for posting in the community! I'm sorry this isn't working as expected. To start can you please try both removing the template from the Team Folder and adding it back as well as converting the templates back to documents then reconverting them to templates? Often a simple "reset" like this resolves most sharing and folder problems.

If the issue still persists after trying this please submit a ticket here so that our support team can take a closer look! We can take a look at your account settings specifically.

To anyone who comes across this thread in the future I'd like to provide some clarity on the matter. The section labeled "Team templates" primarily serves to display "templates shared with me." This means that if a colleague shares a personal template with your Lucid account (or a group that you're a member of) it will appear in the "Team" section of the Template gallery. 

Please comment below if you have any questions or feedback!
