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I am able to create hyperlinks and do all of the rather neat things behind the lightening bolt button with individual shapes (as per this article on hyperlinks and this article on actions) 

however the second I group two or more shapes together the lightening bolt icon is greyed out. its a bit frustrating and gets in the way of me doing things quickly like quickly creating a drop down menu or a "back" button composed of a square and an arrow. I know I can take a screenshot and reinsert the shape as an image and use that. but I'm hoping there is some way to make a group of shapes a hyperlink I have missed. 

Hey there

Thank you for posting in the Lucid Community 🥳 And thank you for sharing this amazing idea! As you mentioned when grouping shapes together the Action feature is (sadly) not available. However I am going to pass this idea along to our Dev Team for them to have a look at! In the meantime your workaround does sound like it would be the best course of action for now. 

Thanks again Lloyd for taking the time to let us know how Lucidchart can be better for you and your work. Firm handshakes 🤝
