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Hi I have purchased 50 licenses for my team but we also provide higher ed teachers the possibility to work with students. How do I allocate an extra 15 licenses (of my 50) to one of the persons/licenses in my team to work with students?

Best regards

Linda Reneland Linnaeus University Sweden

Hi Linda 

Thanks for posting in the Lucidchart Community! You can use groups to divide your team into manageable chunks composed of a higher education teacher who you can assign to be a Group Admin and their students and then use our group-based user management to allot different quantities of licenses to be available to each group.

To learn how to create a group add users to a group and assign a Group Admin please check out the Create and Manage Groups section from our Team Admin Panel: User Management article; and to go over the details of how to manage groups and allocate licenses allotments to groups please read through our Group-based User Management for Enterprise Accounts article

Hope this helps!
